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102 Raghav Apartment, Reshimbaug Square
Nagpur, 440009
+91 951 871 6915
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Suggests that your internship program is a bridge connecting interns to a promising future in the IT industry.


Roles & Responsibility

Here are the Roles and Responsibilities for Frontend, Backend, and Full-Stack Developers for an Internship in an Our Company.


Frontend Developer Roles

1) Collaborate with the design team to implement user-friendly and visually appealing web interfaces. 2) Work on web application development, with a focus on the client-side user experience.


Full Stack Developer Roles

1) Gain experience in both frontend and backend development, with a holistic view of web application development. 2) Contribute to the entire software development lifecycle, from design to deployment.


Backend Developer Roles

1) Focus on server-side development and database management to support web applications. 2) Work on designing and maintaining the server-side components of IT systems.